Natural Science

The "Off" Button That Lets Plants Make Flowers

Research led Doris Wagner, Robert I. Williams Term Professor of Biology, identified a gene that, when stifled, generates blooms.

Shooting for the Moon

In her Language and the Brain course, Kathryn Schuler, Assistant Professor of Linguistics, asked 30 undergrads to think big about big problems—and their solutions didn’t disappoint.

Knowledge by the Slice: Observing the Invisible (Video)

Bhuvnesh Jain, Walter H. and Leonore C. Annenberg Professor in the Natural Sciences, and Michael Weisberg, Professor and Chair of Philosophy, discuss the mystery of dark matter and the use of some of the world’s largest telescopes to search for it.

Office Artifacts: Joshua B. Plotkin

Discover the stories behind the Professor of Biology's favorite office items.

Power Struggle

Earth and Environmental Science Department Chair Reto Gieré explains how 40 years after the worst nuclear accident in the U.S., a global energy dilemma endures.

Who Lives in a Hydrothermal Vent Under the Sea?

Preethi Kumaran, C’21, spent her summer growing-deep sea microorganisms that might be new to the world of science.

Rising Waters

Students and faculty study the future of urban waters in Philadelphia and Mumbai.

OMNIA 101: Exploring the Unseen (Audio)

Physics professors Mark Trodden and Masao Sako explain how dark matter and dark energy shape their work.

Procrastinating on Climate Change

We asked Joseph Kable, Baird Term Professor of Psychology, why humans can’t seem to make the commitment to slow climate change.

2018 Year in Review

We look back on our favorite arts and sciences stories of 2018.

A Summer Studying the Mind and Brain (Video)

MindCORE's intensive summer fellowship program lets Penn undergrads work with researchers.