
Using Literature to Unlock Stories of the Unseen

In the hands of Matty Hemming, GR’24, early 20th-century novels become roadmaps to the politics and norms of their authors’ time.

A Safe Space for Difficult Conversations

How does representation in sexually explicit materials affect the well-being of people who identify as cisgender male, Asian American, and non-heterosexual? It’s a question Steven Chen, C’24, is on a quest to answer.

Just Right

The certificate programs offered by the College of Liberal & Professional Studies fill an educational need for students who want to learn about an area but don’t need a full degree.

Addressing Tough Topics

The Living the Hard Promise dialogue series offers a chance for frank conversation about subjects from free speech on campuses to the role of universities.

Lessons in Philosophy

As philosophers-in-residence at the Academy at Palumbo in South Philadelphia, Ph.D. students Jacqueline Wallis and Afton Greco are teaching high schoolers how to contemplate life’s big questions.

From English Major to Doctor, Lawyer, VP

At a panel put on by the Department of English, three alums discussed their career trajectories and how study in the humanities led them there.

Students Honored as 2024 Dean’s Scholars

The recognition is given annually to students who exhibit exceptional academic performance and intellectual promise.

Seizing the Moment

Spanning disciplines and geographies, Africana studies at Penn has emerged as a leader in the field.

Catalysts for Basic Science

P. Roy Vagelos, C’50, PAR’90, HON’99, has been connected to Penn for 75 years, starting as an undergrad. He and his wife, Diana T. Vagelos, PAR’90, recently gave Penn Arts & Sciences $83.9 million to fund science initiatives—the largest single gift ever made to the School.

Faculty Bookshelf

Recent books from Penn Arts & Sciences faculty in Music, Sociology, Africana studies, History and Sociology of Science, and History.

Office Artifacts: Jean-Christophe Cloutier

Discover the stories behind six prized items in the office of Cloutier, Associate Professor of English, including a poster signed by Adam West, a Charlie Chaplin figure, and a Star Trek bottle opener.

Taking Your Feedback to Heart

A message from editor Michele W. Berger on results from the reader survey and the latest issue.

Medieval Manuscript

For the past year, Emily Steiner, Rose Family Endowed Term Professor of English, and a team of graduate students have transcribed, translated, and interpreted a scroll that chronicles the genealogy of Yorkist king Edward IV.

Word Play

By using linguistics models to analyze conversation during games, Sydney Sun, C’24, is listening in on the ways environment shapes interaction.

Guardians of the Gallery

Alums now at Christie’s, Sotheby’s, and Doyle auction houses discuss championing underrepresented artists, enriching an object’s narrative, their time at Penn, and more.