Natural Science

Omnia Podcast: Reducing Lead Exposure (Audio)

A Penn Arts & Sciences grant allows faculty and students to work with impacted communities in Pennsylvania to decrease lead exposure.

All Eyes to the Sky for Rare Solar Eclipse

Penn faculty and students discuss the significance of the 2017 solar eclipse.

OMNIA Q&A: U.S. Withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord (Video)

Irina Marinov, Assistant Professor of Earth and Environmental Science, offers her perspective.

Last Look

Physics and Astronomy’s Demo Lab Coordinator Bill Berner demonstrates the effects of a Van de Graaff electrostatic generator to 250 Philadelphia-area high school students during the 20th Annual Physics Demonstration Show at Penn.

60-Second Slam Lets Students and Faculty Show Their Work (Video)

During Alumni Weekend 2017, presenters provided quick, expert takes on topics ranging from 3-D models of galaxies to the history of animal nutrition science.

Weighing Instant Gratification Versus a More Prosperous Future

Researchers in the Department of Psychology found that people who have imaginations with more vivid details are less likely to delay gratification.

Grad Ben Talks Gives Students a Chance to Shine (Video)

School program launches with a day of TED Talk-style presentations from Arts and Sciences graduate students.

Beyond Einstein?: Gravity and the Search for New Physics (Video)

Physics professors Mark Trodden and Bhuvnesh Jain discuss recent astronomical measurements that have opened a window into fundamental physics.

Penn Arts and Sciences Becoming a POWERHOUSE in Confronting Climate Change

Penn Arts and Sciences is making great strides in its commitment to addressing climate change. Thanks to the creation last spring of the Vagelos Institute for Energy Science and Technology, and the recruitment of a new director for the Institute, the School is bringing Penn one step closer to becoming a national center for energy research.