About Omnia

Omnia is the magazine for alumni of the University of Pennsylvania School of Arts and Sciences, including undergraduate alumni of the College, as well as alumni of the Graduate Division and the College of Liberal and Professional Studies. The magazine's tagline, “All Things Penn Arts & Sciences,” plays on the broad range of topics it covers and also alludes to a quote by Penn's founder that the institution should educate its students in “all things useful and ornamental.” Omnia's mission is to represent the breadth, relevance, and impact of the liberal arts at Penn through stories that profile leading faculty, connect the work of our experts with current issues, and make specialized scholarship, and its impact, more accessible to general readers. We constantly strive to be timely in responding to issues impacting every aspect of our community.

Our website acts as both a repository for the digital versions of our biannual magazine, and as a frequently updated platform for our online features, which publish multiple times per month. Thank you for reading, and if you wish to be added to our mailing list, you can contact the editor at: omnia-penn@sas.upenn.edu.