
Archival Encounters (Audio)

Kate Dorsch is interested in aliens— but not really.

Online Content: Fall/Winter 2018

A small sampling of recent highlights.

Digital Archaeology

Malkia Okech, C’19, uses digital technology to gain insight into ancient civilizations.

Art History in 3-D (Video)

Robyn Barrow, doctoral candidate in history of art, turns centuries-old objects into 3-D models.

Impact Filmmaking

Sonari Chidi, C’20, uses film to put a human face on the need for social change.

On the Water in Philadelphia (Video)

A summer research seminar by the Penn Program in Environmental Humanities (PPEH) allowed students to conduct research on Philadelphia's waterways and collaborate with community partners.

Omnia Q&A: Black American and Afro-Brazilian Incarceration Rates

Nia Kaudo, C’18, explores the 20th-century policies that have led to mass incarceration in the U.S. and Brazil.

Connecting—and Disconnecting—in the Wild

Madeleine Andrews, C’18, conducts animal behavior research locally and globally.