
Decisions, Decisions

The College of Liberal & Professional Studies’ popular Master of Behavioral and Decision Sciences program examines the roots of decision making.

Penn Arts & Sciences Pathways: Will Movsovitz, C’21 (Video)

From debates to a love of ramen, this Politics, Philosophy, and Economics major is making the most of his College experience.

How to Get a 19-Year-Old to Pay Attention

We talked to some of our best graduate student teachers to learn how—and why—they excel.

On the Condition of Alienage

Eilidh Beaton, doctoral candidate in philosophy, argues for the reconsideration of the alienage condition for refugee status.

My VIPER Summer

Students and professors in the Vagelos Integrated Program in Energy Research spent the summer in the lab.

Minds In The Wild

As part of an effort from MindCORE to get research out of the lab and into the community, the research group of behavioral psychologist Elizabeth Brannon spent the summer conducting two studies at the Academy of Natural Sciences to better understand how children learn.

The Mashup: 1.5 Minute Climate Lectures

Faculty from across the University united for a lecture series on the climate crisis.

Social Interactions in the Housing Market

Doctoral candidate in sociology Doron Shiffer-Sebba’s prize-winning research paper examines the interpersonal dynamics of landlords and tenants.

Outdoor Research

Lara Jung, C’19, explores the history of nature as medicine.

Studying Ancient Architectural Artifacts in Greece

Zahra Elhanbaly, C’21, explores the mystery of large artifacts found at the bottom of the Aegean Sea.