
Out of their Elements

Chemistry faculty adapt to working remotely as the coronavirus stifles lab activity.

Lessons From Ebola

Alex Chen, doctoral candidate in anthropology, studies emerging disease preparedness.

How the End of the World Came and Went—and Came Back Again

Zachary Loeb, doctoral candidate in the Department of History and Sociology of Science, discusses the untold history of Y2K (and the living history of coronavirus).

OMNIA Q&A: Food and Farming During the COVID-19 Crisis

Hannah Kass, who is pursuing a Master of Environmental Studies, examines the U.S. food supply and the challenges farmers are facing.


Doctoral candidate in English Aylin Malcolm’s class shows that when it comes to science, communication matters.

Penn Undergrads and Decision 2020 (Video)

Students analyze data in the classroom and then bring their skills to NBC on election nights.

Translating Hitler

Aron Brouwer, a doctoral student in history, examines two French translations of Mein Kampf with an eye toward global networks of fascism and anti-fascism.

Penn Arts & Sciences Pathways: David Zhou, C'20 (Video)

Reflecting on his four years at Penn, senior David Zhou is happy about how his world has expanded.

2020 Grad Ben Talks (Video)

Penn Arts and Sciences graduate students present on myriad topics in TED Talks fashion.

Penn Arts & Sciences Pathways: Bayley Tuch, C'21 (Video)

A political science course showed College junior Bayley Tuch how she could pursue the ideas that excite her.

The Amish and the Anthropocene

Nicole Welk-Joerger, a doctoral candidate in the Department of History and Sociology of Science, discusses what a technology adopted by the Amish can tell us about climate change and the future.

Climate Change in Real Time

Raka Sen, a doctoral candidate in sociology, studies how inhabitants of the Sundarbans region of India and Bangladesh respond to rising seas.

Penn Chorale Performs “Sleep,” by Eric Whitacre (Video)

The newly formed ensemble made its debut during the 2019-2020 Academic Year.

On Ethnicity, Race, Immigration, and Student Research (Video)

Graduate and undergraduate students present their research at the Center for the Study of Ethnicity, Race, and Immigration poster presentation.

Interested in the Workings of the Brain? There's an Online Certificate for That.

The College of Liberal & Professional Studies provides a new opportunity to study neuroscience.