
Writing History

To understand how ideas about racial difference took root in American history, Makiki Reuvers, a Ph.D. candidate in history, examines 17th-century encounters between British colonists and Native Americans.

Sleight of Hand, Sleight of Mind

An interest in magic influenced Daniel Roy, C’20, to study neurobiology. Now the magician is using his research background to amaze the audiences at his shows.

The Sound and the Technology

Erik Broess, a doctoral candidate in musicology, studies how electric guitar gear influences the kinds of music guitarists create—and the kinds of music histories that get shared.

Digital Potential

Seo Yun (Stephanie) Hwang, C’23, spent her summer examining the impact of information and communication technology initiatives in developing countries.

Science, Politics, and Vaccine Acceptance

As the COVID-19 vaccine is being distributed across the country, new research out of the Department of Philosophy shows that knowledge about the nature of science can combat political biases.

Life in the Screen

In two classes, Rahul Mukherjee, Dick Wolf Associate Professor of Television and New Media Studies, is looking at the big picture of our digital life.

On-Campus Chemistry

After waiting almost two years to join a chemistry lab, Calais Cronin, C’21, is one of the few students allowed on campus this fall to do research.

Omnia Podcast: In These Times (Audio)

A six-episode podcast series that explores the forces that have shaped events in 2020.

This Is Your Brain On Religion

Saachi Datta, C’21, is combining her passion for religion and science on her path to becoming a physician.

Greeking Out

Breyasia Scott, C’20, discovered a new passion after taking Intro to Ancient Greece.

A Passion for Political Data and Public Service

Joelle Gross, C’21, talks about her “life-changing” experience with the Penn Program on Opinion Research and Election Studies.

Eyes on the Sky

Ashley Baker, GR’20, loves sharing the excitement of experimental astronomy.

Constructing a Child’s Reality

Joseph Earl Thomas, a Ph.D. student in English, explores childhood and family in an award-winning memoir inspired by fantasy fiction.

A (Remote) Place of Belonging

Conducted online for the first time, the Center for Africana Studies Summer Institute for Pre-Freshmen continues to cultivate human connection.