1.5 Minute* Climate Lectures (Video)
Professors and leaders from across the University unite in a series of virtual lectures to sound the alarm about the climate emergency.
The Genome and the Biome
Rebecca Mueller, Ph.D. student in history and sociology of science, studies how infectious microbes like the coronavirus can affect communities of people with genetic vulnerabilities.
A (Remote) Place of Belonging
Conducted online for the first time, the Center for Africana Studies Summer Institute for Pre-Freshmen continues to cultivate human connection.
Biology Grad Student Makes Dance Debut (Video)
Ammon Perkes, GR’20, joined his wife Chloe in a BalletX video about the first 100 days of quarantine.
This is Your Brain on Religion
Saachi Datta, C’21, is combining her passion for religion and science on her path to becoming a physician.
Constructing a Child’s Reality
Joseph Earl Thomas, a Ph.D. student in English, explores childhood and family in an award-winning memoir inspired by fantasy fiction.
Greeking Out
Breyasia Scott, C’20, discovered a new passion after taking Intro to Ancient Greece.
New Math
The Directed Reading Program pairs undergraduates with graduate student mentors for advanced learning.
Penn Arts & Sciences Pathways: Omkar Katta, C'20 (Video)
Omkar Katta, C’20, chose mathematical economics as his major when he was influenced by a creative writing class during his first year.
Eyes on the Sky
Ashley Baker, GR’20, loves sharing the excitement of experimental astronomy.
Virtual Graduation
Faculty, students, and staff find unique ways to celebrate graduates.
Futures Beyond Refining (Video)
Penn Program in Environmental Humanities (PPEH) students collaborated with a South Philadelphia community to design a project that helps neighbors imagine a healthier future after living in the shadow of the largest refinery on the East Coast.
Senior Stories 2020
Penn Arts & Sciences seniors reflect on their final semester—and what the future holds.
Protecting Philadelphia’s Urban Gardens
Undergraduate Piotr Wojcik, an urban studies major, wants to protect community gardens from disinvestment and big data.