
Making Multicultural Democracy Work (Video)

A special panel discusses multicultural democracy in a post-election world.

Election 2016: What Just Happened? (Video)

A panel of political scientists discusses the outcome of the election.

Dreaming in the Ancient World (Video)

Julia Chatterjee, C'17, draws comparisons between two historical texts to shed light on the interpretation of dreams in ancient societies.

Quechua Penn (Video)

A thriving Native American language program makes Penn a Quechua hub.

The Hot and Cold of Marine Plant Life (Video)

Yann Pfitzer, C‘19, ENG'19, describes the impact of climate change on ocean phytoplankton.

The Center for Africana Studies Summer Institute for Pre-Freshmen Celebrates its 30th Anniversary (Video)

Participants discuss the intense, weeklong course of study aimed at expanding students’ intellectual horizons and preparing them for life on campus and in the classroom.

New Realities of Latin American Migration to the United States: Implications for Policy Discussions (Video)

Emilio Parrado, professor and the chair of the Department of Sociology, discusses Latin American migration.

Cataloguing Supernovae (Video)

Velay Fellow Paulina Destarac, C'19, discusses her "Dark Energy Survey" project at the Center for Undergraduate Research and Fellowships Open House and Research Expo.

OMNIA Q&A: Convention Analysis (Video)

Matthew Levendusky, associate professor of political science, discusses the standout moments of the Republican and Democratic National Conventions.

Stay Off the Dunes (Video)

Bianca Reo Charbonneau, Ph.D. candidate in biology, studies how sand dunes protect the Jersey coast.

Digital Culture Without the Internet (Video)

Rahul Mukherjee, Dick Wolf Assistant Professor of Television and New Media Studies and assistant professor of English, tells how memory cards support a digital music culture in rural India.

Courting Innovation (Video)

Students from the Roy and Diana Vagelos Program in Life Sciences and Management share their capstone presentations with the research sector.

Origin Stories: Mark Trodden (Video)

Here we highlight the journeys of members of our faculty as they followed their paths from impressionable young students to world-class scholars.

From Classroom to Newsroom (Featuring Bonus Video)

Penn’s PORES Program Takes Undergraduates to NBC

Listening to Cyborgs (Video)

Doctoral candidates Roksana Filipowska and Maria Murphy create a series of workshops that explore sound technologies and their impact on our daily lives.