Scoring an Unfinished Work (Video)
For his English honors thesis, Nicholas Escobar, C'18, combined his love of literature and music.
Knowledge by the Slice: Follow the Carbon (Video)
Daniel Aldana Cohen, Assistant Professor of Sociology, presents a new perspective on climate change.
60-Second Lectures: Spring 2018 Roundup (Video)
Faculty present minute-long talks on topics like "The French Enlightenment and Benjamin Franklin's University."
A Source of Inspiration (Video)
Sebastian Gonzalez, C’20, is a campus leader for first-generation students, a physics and astronomy major, and the principal tubist for the Penn Symphony Orchestra.
Over the River, Through the Woods, and Down 34th Street (Video)
Penn Arts and Sciences faculty bike varied terrain to get to campus.
Knowledge by the Slice: Sex and Superpower Rivalry (Video)
Kristen R. Ghodsee, Professor of Russian and East European Studies, explores the impacts of Cold War rhetoric on the progress of women's rights.
2018 Grad Ben Talks (Video)
An afternoon of TED Talk-style presentations by Penn Arts and Sciences graduate students.
Knowledge by the Slice: The “State of the Union” Entering President Trump’s Second Year (Video)
A Penn Arts and Sciences faculty panel examines a range of domestic and foreign policy issues facing the Trump Administration.
Origin Stories: Karen Redrobe (Video)
Karen Redrobe, Elliot and Roslyn Jaffe Endowed Professor in Film Studies, discusses her journey as a film scholar.
Penn Perspectives: A Discussion With Toan Huynh (Video)
Huynh, C’97, discusses her Penn degree's impact on her career.
Radio Free Poetry: PennSound @ 14 (VIDEO)
Professor Charles Bernstein and Ph.D. student Chris Mustazza from the Department of English discuss PennSound—the world's largest online poetry archive, founded in 2003.
OMNIA Q&A: Monument Lab's Research Program (Video)
Laurie Allen, Director for Digital Scholarship at Penn Libraries, and Penn's Price Lab for Digital Humanities are helping to immortalize the public art and history project.
Penn In Kenya (Video)
Through an Arts and Sciences grant, undergrads produced documentary and virtual-reality films with residents of the Kakuma Refugee Camp.
Africana Studies Students Q&A (Video)
Tshay Williams, C’17, and Madison Dawkins, C'19, discuss their experience at Penn and their future plans.
Analyzing Images of Galaxies (Video)
Velay Fellow Grace Ringlein, C'20, discusses her work on the Dark Energy Survey at the Center for Undergraduate Research and Fellowships Open House and Research Expo.