
Penn Arts & Sciences Pathways: Bayley Tuch, C'21 (Video)

A political science course showed College junior Bayley Tuch how she could pursue the ideas that excite her.

Penn Chorale Performs “Sleep,” by Eric Whitacre (Video)

The newly formed ensemble made its debut during the 2019-2020 Academic Year.

On Ethnicity, Race, Immigration, and Student Research (Video)

Graduate and undergraduate students present their research at the Center for the Study of Ethnicity, Race, and Immigration poster presentation.

Penn Arts & Sciences Pathways: Will Movsovitz, C’21 (Video)

From debates to a love of ramen, this Politics, Philosophy, and Economics major is making the most of his College experience.

Math, String Theory, and Lincoln Center (Video)

In the video “Quintessentially Science Fiction,” Math’s Eugenio Calabi reflects on his life, his impact on math and physics, and how “learning is a digestive process.”

Knowledge by the Slice: Is Flint a Signal of Things to Come? Our Nation's Water Infrastructure Issues (Video)

Howard Neukrug, Professor of Practice and Executive Director of The Water Center at Penn, discusses the underlying factors that led to the water crisis in Flint, Michigan, and what can be done to minimize similar problems in the future.

Interdisciplinary Path to Medicine (Video)

For Rudmila Rashid, C'19, M'23, the Power of Penn Arts & Sciences is when the humanities and sciences come together.

Penn Arts & Sciences Pathways: Hannah Erdogan, C'22 (Video)

A psychology major and a minor in Middle Eastern studies is preparing Hannah Erdogan, C'22, to be a doctor serving refugee communities.

Penn Arts & Sciences Pathways: Marvin Morgan, C'21 (Video)

Marvin Morgan, C'21, is analyzing astrophysics data in the lab and setting records on the track.

Student Scientists (Video)

Earth and environmental science seniors conduct year-long investigations on topics from fish fossils to wildfires.

Origin Stories: Ralph Rosen (Video)

Ralph M. Rosen, Vartan Gregorian Professor in the Humanities, discusses his journey as a classics scholar.

Penn Arts & Sciences Pathways: Ana Przybylowski, C'19 (Video)

Ana Przybylowski, C'19, came to Penn thinking she'd pursue a career in sports management, but her passion for the outdoors and wildlife put her on a new path as an earth and environmental science major.

Knowledge by the Slice: Observing the Invisible (Video)

Bhuvnesh Jain, Walter H. and Leonore C. Annenberg Professor in the Natural Sciences, and Michael Weisberg, Professor and Chair of Philosophy, discuss the mystery of dark matter and the use of some of the world’s largest telescopes to search for it.

Penn Arts & Sciences Pathways: Karen Kim, C'21 (VIDEO)

College sophomore Karen Kim reflects on her decision to become an Africana Studies major.

Penn Arts & Sciences Pathways: India Allen, C'21 (Video)

College sophomore India Allen on how an Academically Based Community Service (ABCS) course inspired her decision to major in Health and Societies.