
Congratulations to Our 2022 Graduates

Students were celebrated on campus in three ceremonies.

“Stark, Haunting Elegance” (Audio)

James Diaz, a Ph.D. student studying composition in the Department of Music, discusses his award-winning work.

2022 Penn Grad Talks (Video)

Penn Arts & Sciences graduate students present on myriad topics in TED Talks fashion.

Penn Arts & Sciences Pathways: Temidayo Ojo, C'22 (VIDEO)

Ojo's interests range from the fine arts to psychology. Neuroscience courses deepened her passion for studying human behavior.

OMNIA Q&A: Liberating the Classics

A new lecture series in Classical Studies aims to advance understanding of the many ways the past is put to use in building the present.

Turning Latin America Green

Santiago Cunial, a doctoral candidate in political science, investigates the carrots and sticks that move green energy in Chile and Argentina.

Protecting a Singular Ecosystem

Michael Weisberg, Bess W. Heyman President's Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, students, and Ecuador's Ambassador to the United States reflect on the momentous expansion of the Galápagos Marine Reserve.

OMNIA Q&A: The War in Ukraine

Kimberly St. Julian-Varnon, Ph.D. student in history, on the nation of Ukraine, how things got to this point, and what’s being overlooked in the discussion about the war.

Experience + Academics = Policy

Political science doctoral candidate Meghan Garrity is using her past as an aid worker to inform her research.

Penn Arts & Sciences Pathways: Emma Davies, C'22 (VIDEO)

Through her study of philosophy, Emma Davies, C’22, combines her passion for immigrant and refugee rights with her intellectual curiosity.

CAMS Highlights Different Paths to Finance Careers

College alumni discussed their education and experience in a virtual event for students.

Creative Writing for All

With virtual and in-person programming through Cosmic Writers, Rowana Miller, C’22, wants to make writing education equitable—and fun.

Feeding an Open Mind

Grace Choi, C’23, aims to redefine food insecurity on college campuses.

Disability Advocacy and the Sciences

Sarah Kane, C’23, a physics and astronomy major, explains how computational research methods—and conversation—can help make the sciences more accessible to researchers with disabilities.

Let the People Go?

Samuel Strickberger, C’22, investigates Jewish Orthodox reactions to slavery in antebellum America.