Social Science

Augmented Reality

The Penn and Slavery Project launched an app that details the University’s historical ties to slavery.

OMNIA Q&A: Polarization and Policymaking

Matthew Levendusky, Professor of Political Science and Penny and Robert A. Fox Director of the Fels Institute of Government, on how hyperpartisanship interferes with democracy.

Humans in the Loop

Benjamin Shestakofsky, Assistant Professor of Sociology, finds interconnections between humans and machines in the future of work.

OMNIA Q&A: Is Demography Destiny?

Michael Jones-Correa, President’s Distinguished Professor of Political Science, discusses Latino voters’ complex role in the U.S. electorate.

Omnia Podcast: In These Times (Audio)

A six-episode podcast series that explores the forces that have shaped events in 2020.

New Social Norms During the Pandemic

Cristina Bicchieri, Sascha Jane Patterson Harvie Professor of Social Thought and Comparative Ethics, says expectations fuel behavior modification.

Prescribing Inequality

How COVID-19 is bringing health inequality to the fore.

We, the People

Rogers Smith, Christopher H. Browne Distinguished Professor of Political Science, is searching for the heart and soul of America.

A Passion for Political Data and Public Service

Joelle Gross, C’21, talks about her “life-changing” experience with the Penn Program on Opinion Research and Election Studies.

Oil Is Not Forever

Faculty Opinion