Social Science

Omnia 101: World Heritage Sites and Conflict

Archaeologist Lynn Meskell, Richard D. Green University Professor of Anthropology, discusses UNESCO and why places designated as cultural touchstones often signify much more.

Knowledge by the Slice: Rethinking Electoral Maps (Video)

Mathematician Phillip Gressman and political scientist Daniel Hopkins discuss the latest research methods informing the creation of new voting district boundaries.

Breaking Down Barriers

The High School Summer Latinx Leadership Institute brought students to campus to expand their college readiness.

How the Modern Story of Postwar Anti-Racism Ignored the Global South

In his new book, science historian Sebastián Gil-Riaño explores the lives of scientists who shaped one of the first international efforts to combat racism—and then got left out of the story.

60-Second Lectures | Fall 2023 Roundup (Video)

This fall’s 60-Second Lectures included a special Constitution Day edition and 1.5 Minute Climate Lectures during Climate Week at Penn.

The First Week for First-Years (Photos)  

College students from the Class of 2027 moved in and got to know Penn Arts & Sciences through the Exploration Expo, where departments, majors, and programs were on display.

Countering the Assumption of the ‘Intact Mind’

Amy Lutz, a senior lecturer in History and Sociology of Science, discusses her new book about autism, intellectual disability, and her beliefs about the need to provide services for the most severely impaired.

One Year Post-Dobbs, What’s Actually Happened?

Four takeaways from Penn Arts & Sciences researchers in the aftermath of the 2022 Supreme Court decision overturning the constitutional right to an abortion.

The Art of Podcasting

A Center for Experimental Ethnography course lets students engage with artists via in-depth audio interviews, to examine questions of empire and exclusion.

In Support of a Wilder Democracy

A new book from Anne Norton, Professor of Political Science, advocates for a system that embraces self-reliance, freedom, and courage.

Urbanization and the Influence of Poor Migrants on Politics

A new book from Professor of Political Science Tariq Thachil explores how the most vulnerable individuals in India are making a political impact.

Seeing Disability Differently

Scholars are trying to understand—and change—how the world works for people with disabilities.

Talking With “Aliens”

Linguist Gareth Roberts uses ‘alien’ languages and interactive games to show how social pressures shape our communication.

At the Intersection of Incarceration and Health

Medical sociologist Jason Schnittker explores the paradox of healthcare and prison.

Online Content: Spring/Summer 2023

A small sampling of recent highlights.