Natural Science

A Faculty That Fosters

Shirley Leung, C’13, G’13, discusses the importance of having a faculty mentor.

Coming Back to Where You Started

Incoming Arts and Sciences Dean Steven Fluharty Reflects on his Path at Penn

A Multidimensional Mind

Vijay Balasubramanian sees the universe and asks, "Why?"

Out of the Mouths of Babes

Charles Yang shows that toddlers know their grammar.

Seeing Red

Image standardization developed by David Brainard will help medical research.

High Speed Chemistry

Penn Chemistry breaks new ground with High Throughput Experimentation lab expansion.

Restless Pioneer

Robin M. Hochstrasser, Donner Professor of Physical Sciences, leaves behind a trail of breakthroughs.

Physics Under the Sea

Physics Assistant Professor Alison Sweeney finds light at the bottom of the ocean

The Art and Science of Teaching

Fay R. and Eugene L. Langberg Professor of Physics Mirjam Cvetic makes science appealing to students of all interests and skill levels.

Stress Test

Associate Professor of Psychology Sara Jaffee investigates early childhood behavior.

The World Under Light

Assistant Professor of Chemistry examines what happens when light strikes objects.