Susan Ahlborn

Omnia Associate Editor Susan Ahlborn has worked as a communications professional in healthcare and academia, and loves learning cool things and writing about them.

Engaging With Asia
Penn Arts & Sciences programs are advancing knowledge about Asia and Asians.
The World at Our Feet
It’s our tiny oasis in a vast universe, and it’s feeling fragile. Five faculty give us the latest on Earth and its prospects.
Omnia 101: Linguistics
Nicole R. Holliday, Assistant Professor of Linguistics, on the science of what we say and how we say it.
Biology Grad Student Makes Dance Debut (Video)
Ammon Perkes, GR’20, joined his wife Chloe in a BalletX video about the first 100 days of quarantine.
OMNIA Q&A: Food and Farming During the COVID-19 Crisis
Hannah Kass, who is pursuing a Master of Environmental Studies, examines the U.S. food supply and the challenges farmers are facing.
A Global Cinema Watch-List
Julia Alekseyeva, Assistant Professor of Cinema Studies, shares her list of the best works of global cinema to watch while you're at home.
Fruit Fly Love Songs
Yun Ding, Assistant Professor of Biology, studies the courtship behavior of fruit flies to learn how genes and brains evolve to change animal behaviors.
The Amish and the Anthropocene
Nicole Welk-Joerger, a doctoral candidate in the Department of History and Sociology of Science, discusses what a technology adopted by the Amish can tell us about climate change and the future.
What’s With all the Leather Jackets?
Dean’s Scholar Nicholas Berrettini, LPS’19, examines Italian crime dramas and wonders if binge-watching shows can change our opinions.
Inquiring Minds
The History Honors Thesis Program trains students to research, argue, write, and add something new to our knowledge.