Susan Ahlborn

Omnia Associate Editor Susan Ahlborn has worked as a communications professional in healthcare and academia, and loves learning cool things and writing about them.

A Paper Tale
English lecturer Beth Kephart’s new memoir focuses on the paper that marks and memorializes our lives, from baby books to wills.
2024 Penn Grad Talks
Penn Grad Talks features TED Talk-style presentations by Penn Arts & Sciences graduate students on a wide range of topics.
Celebrating 50 Years of Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies
A three-day symposium will honor the past and present achievements of the Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies program; the Center for Research in Feminist, Queer, and Transgender Studies; and the Penn Women’s Center.
Romance and Race
Sociology Ph.D. candidate Olivia Hu is studying how people choose romantic partners across race lines, and how those relationships affect their understandings of social difference.
Seeing American History through African American Literature
For Black History Month, Dagmawi Woubshet of English recommends readings from his Introduction to African American Literature course.
A Soundtrack for a Saint
Beyond the cultural link to Santa Claus, Saint Nicholas has many connections to music, which Associate Professor of Music Mary Channen Caldwell is exploring for an upcoming book.
The Story of Henry’s Hoodie
Marcus T. Wright, associate director of undergraduate studies in the Department of Sociology, has written a children’s book featuring a Black boy and his dad that has a message for everyone.
Life Advice from Aristotle
A new book by Philosophy’s Susan Sauvé Meyer gives tips from the philosopher’s “Nicomachean Ethics” on how to live well in any age.
Emily Wilson’s Epic Life
The Classical Studies professor on the power and responsibility of translation, the allure of ancient worlds, and the value of the strange.
Five Reasons Ghost Stories Will Never Die
Why are ghosts such a persistent presence in literature? Professor Liliane Weissberg, who teaches the course The Fantastic and the Uncanny in Literature, shares her thoughts.