Susan Ahlborn

Omnia Associate Editor Susan Ahlborn has worked as a communications professional in healthcare and academia, and loves learning cool things and writing about them.

Monuments and Prostitutes
Doctoral student Meg Andrews studies the slums of Rome.
A Q&A With Penn’s Newest Rhodes Scholar
Rutendo Chigora, C’15, talks about her plans and her social venture in Zimbabwe.
What the Bacteria Saw
By using Lyme disease bacteria to research evolution, Assistant Professor of Biology Dustin Brisson is advancing both science and medicine.
Just a Hypocrite?
Associate Professor of Classical Studies Emily Wilson looks at Seneca’s compromises.
The Physics of Patient Care
Penn’s Medical Physics Graduate Program creates physicists who heal.
See Psittacosaurus Run
Graduate student Brandon Hedrick is using statistics to show how dinosaurs looked, moved, and evolved.
John Tresch describes Edgar Allan Poe, writer—and engineer.
Poverty Warrior
Remembering Annenberg Professor of History Michael Katz.
Picking the Perfect Present
Baird Term Assistant Professor of Psychology Joseph Kable studies how we make decisions (or sometimes don’t).
Music Making
Doctoral candidate Osei Alleyne follows a musical path across the Atlantic from Africa—and back.