Alumni Appreciation Breakfast at Homecoming

Alums who volunteered their time as mentors and for events were invited to a special breakfast, followed by a Lightbulb Café on “Feeling Is Believing.”

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Penn Arts & Sciences alumni volunteers were invited to kick off Homecoming Saturday on October 22, 2022, with a special breakfast to celebrate the commitment, time, and work they gave to grow alumni engagement. Guests included members of panels for the College Alumni Mentoring Series (CAMS) and other student-focused events, alumnae who participated in PWA events for students and young alumnae, and participants in the Ben Connect mentoring program.  

The breakfast led into a special Homecoming edition of the School’s Lightbulb Cafes, which feature short talks by faculty followed by a Q&A. Donovan Schaefer, Assistant Professor of Religious Studies, engaged the audience with questions like, what makes people believe—or disbelieve—scientific information? What’s the connection between thinking, knowing, and feeling? And what makes conspiracy theories so powerful? He explores these and other ideas in his new book, Wild Experiment: Feeling Science and Secularism after Darwin