Susan Ahlborn

Omnia Associate Editor Susan Ahlborn has worked as a communications professional in healthcare and academia, and loves learning cool things and writing about them.

Moving Forward at Fels
Nelson Lim, new Fels Executive Director, brings his national think-tank experience to Penn.
You Say You Want a Revolution. Then What?
Teece fellow Doğa Kerestecioğlu, a Ph.D. candidate in sociology, is studying how national revolutions turn into national governments.
Representing African American Art
Associate Professor of History of Art Gwendolyn DuBois Shaw looks at color and context.
Science for Everyone
Physicist Larry Gladney, Edmund J. and Louise W. Kahn Professor for Faculty Excellence and Associate Dean for the Natural Sciences, talks outreach and the role citizen scientists will play in the future.
“We Are Who We Say We Are”
During Black History Month, we talk with Mary Frances Berry, Geraldine R. Segal Professor of American Social Thought, about how one mixed-race family negotiated history.
Want to Be More Mindful? Check Your Phone.
John Tresch, associate professor of history and sociology of science, looks at how mindfulness apps connect—and disconnect—with their Buddhist roots.