Social Science

OMNIA Q&A: Understanding Democracy

We spoke with Jeffrey Green, Associate Professor of Political Science and Director of the Andrea Mitchell Center for the Study of Democracy, about the goals and programming of the new educational hub.


Emilio Parrado, Dorothy Swaine Thomas Professor of Sociology, discusses the repeal of DACA.

Dog Days of Summer

Man's best friend has always been a hero of film, literature, and visual art.

A Study of the Evolution of Traditional Medicine

Projit Bihari Mukharji, Associate Professor of History and Sociology of Science, discusses the melding of medicinal practices.

Setting the Record Straight

The Department of Criminology's new Fact Check site unmasks false claims surrounding the criminal justice system.

OMNIA Q&A: Health Care Stalemate

Julia Lynch, Associate Professor of Political Science, discusses public health and international health policy.

Has Polling Lost Its Reputation?

A Q&A with PORES Director John Lapinski

BEN Talks, NYC: Immigration and Global Inequality (Video)

Moderated by Andrea Mitchell, CW'67, faculty discuss the past, present, and future of global immigration at annual event in New York City.

Office Artifacts: Diana Mutz

Discover the stories behind the Samuel A. Stouffer Professor of Political Science and Communication's favorite office items.