Social Science

OMNIA Q&A: Russian Interference with the U.S. Election (Video)

Featuring Mitchell A. Orenstein, professor of Russian and East European studies and Chair of the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures

Making Multicultural Democracy Work (Video)

A special panel discusses multicultural democracy in a post-election world.

The Data Oracle

Richard Berk uses big data to foresee the future.

Voter Motivations

Political Psychology course encourages students to challenge easy explanations.

Office Artifacts: Deborah A. Thomas

Discover the stories behind the professor of anthropology's favorite office items.

When Should We Expect the Robot Army?

Arts and Sciences faculty on the fact, fiction, and future of artificial intelligence.

Election 2016: What Just Happened? (Video)

A panel of political scientists discusses the outcome of the election.

Should We Fear the Robot Army? Artificial Intelligence in the Military (Audio)

Michael Horowitz, associate professor of political science, discusses the role of AI in the armed forces.

Drilling into the Data Pipeline

Daniel Hopkins, associate professor of political science, uses big data to gain insight into the issues facing various segments of the American public.

New Realities of Latin American Migration to the United States: Implications for Policy Discussions (Video)

Emilio Parrado, professor and the chair of the Department of Sociology, discusses Latin American migration.

The 2016 Presidential Election: Interpreting the Polls (Audio)

John Lapinski, associate professor of political science, director of Penn’s Program on Opinion Research and Election Studies (PORES), and director of the National Elections Unit at NBC, provides a unique perspective on the 2016 presidential election.

Natural Deterrent

John MacDonald, professor of criminology, examines the relationship between natural habitat and crime.