Stay Off the Dunes (Video)
Bianca Reo Charbonneau, Ph.D. candidate in biology, studies how sand dunes protect the Jersey coast.
How are Organizations Greedy?
Amanda Barrett Cox, Ph.D. sociology student, examines how organizations develop loyalty in participants.
From College House to State House
Fresh out of Penn, Nicolas Garcia, C’16, is running for the Florida State House.
Courting Innovation (Video)
Students from the Roy and Diana Vagelos Program in Life Sciences and Management share their capstone presentations with the research sector.
Fighting For Child Beggars in Senegal
Antoinette Zoumanigui, C’17, investigates the phenomenon and starts a nonprofit to help the children impacted.
Listening to Cyborgs (Video)
Doctoral candidates Roksana Filipowska and Maria Murphy create a series of workshops that explore sound technologies and their impact on our daily lives.
From Classroom to Newsroom (Featuring Bonus Video)
Penn’s PORES Program Takes Undergraduates to NBC
A Home After Death
Osman Balkan, GR’16, studies the clash between immigrants’ traditional burial rites and state policy.