
Mapping the Divine Comedy

A digital humanities study in Dante's geographical imagination.

Iron-Age Civilization Known for Raucous Music Had a Mellow Side

Art and Archaeology of the Mediterranean World Ph.D. Candidate Sam Holzman finds a new type of music in Phrygian society.

Dreaming in the Ancient World (Video)

Julia Chatterjee, C'17, draws comparisons between two historical texts to shed light on the interpretation of dreams in ancient societies.

Quechua Penn (Video)

A thriving Native American language program makes Penn a Quechua hub.

The Hot and Cold of Marine Plant Life (Video)

Yann Pfitzer, C‘19, ENG'19, describes the impact of climate change on ocean phytoplankton.

The Center for Africana Studies Summer Institute for Pre-Freshmen Celebrates its 30th Anniversary (Video)

Participants discuss the intense, weeklong course of study aimed at expanding students’ intellectual horizons and preparing them for life on campus and in the classroom.

Cataloguing Supernovae (Video)

Velay Fellow Paulina Destarac, C'19, discusses her "Dark Energy Survey" project at the Center for Undergraduate Research and Fellowships Open House and Research Expo.