
The Management of Science

Students in the Vagelos Life Sciences and Management first-year proseminar get a deep-end introduction to how scientific discoveries can be brought to the market.

Engaging With Asia

Penn Arts & Sciences programs are advancing knowledge about Asia and Asians.

The Changing Face of Portraiture at Penn

The Department of Biology joins in campus-wide efforts to diversify those honored in portraits and rethink how to approach representation through art.

A Major Investment for Research and Discovery in the Physical Sciences

Supporting key priorities at the School of Arts & Sciences

Faculty Honors

Penn Arts & Sciences faculty continued to distinguish themselves through their research and teaching, and their work has been recognized with notable honors and awards. Here are just a few.

Season Four of the Omnia Podcast: In These Times

The Intricate Riddle of Life

Decoding a Material’s “Memory”

A new study details the relationship between particle structure and flow in disordered materials, insights that can be used to understand systems ranging from mudslides to biofilms.

Omnia 101: Democracy in Africa

Wale Adebanwi, Presidential Penn Compact Professor of Africana Studies, discusses the state of democratic reform in Africa.

Ben Talks Address State of U.S. Democracy

Journalist alums and political science faculty are joining to share their experience and research and address whether democracy in the U.S. is in crisis, at a crossroads, or reaching a new normal.

Lost Caregivers

Dan Treglia, Associate Professor of Practice, identifies the number of children who have lost parents and caregivers to COVID-19 and how to support them.

Mathematics = Fairer Elections

Philip Gressman, Professor of Mathematics, wants to make elections fairer through the application of computational mathematics to redistricting maps.

60-Second Lectures: Spring 2022 Roundup (Video)

Faculty present minute-long talks on topics such as “The First 60 Seconds of the Universe.”

Locked Down and Opening Up

In his new book, Guobin Yang, Grace Lee Boggs Professor of Communication and Sociology, highlights the online diaries shared by Wuhan residents early in the COVID-19 pandemic.