
From the Archives: Ethnohistory Workshop

Young scholars from Latin America discuss their experience at a three-week workshop on "Dispossessions in the Americas."

Helping Latin Live

Three College students worked with James Ker, Professor of Classical Studies, to research new approaches to teaching Latin.

OMNIA Q&A: Changing the Narrative on Religion and Abortion Rights

Marci Hamilton, Professor of Practice in Political Science and Fox Family Pavilion Senior Fellow in the Program for Research on Religion, is working on behalf of religious leaders who argue that strict anti-abortion measures are violating their First Amendment rights.

60-Second Lectures | Fall 2022 Roundup (VIDEO)

This year, the fall 60-Second Lectures took place on one day with six faculty experts presenting on topics ranging from exploration of the universe's origins to the study of indigenous politics.

Listen on Repeat

Mary Channen Caldwell, Assistant Professor of Music, brings together over 400 devotional Latin refrain songs from the Middle Ages in her new book, the first to explore the medieval refrain in song outside of vernacular contexts.

Office Artifacts: Eve Troutt Powell

Discover the stories behind the Christopher H. Browne Distinguished Professor of History and Africana Studies’ office items—in her own words.

Summer Reading Selections: Mia Bay

What the Roy F. and Jeannette P. Nichols Professor of American History is looking forward to reading this summer.

Cognition Feels

In his new book, Donovan Schaefer, Assistant Professor of Religious Studies, argues that there is no thinking without feeling.

Under the Hood

Michael Platt, James S. Riepe University Professor, studies how biology fuels social behavior.

Crime and the Scientific Method

The multidisciplinary faculty of the Department of Criminology harness diverse methodologies to improve public safety and inform policy and planning.

Foundations and Frontiers: A Vision for the School, Revisited

Dean Steven J. Fluharty discusses the vision for the School of Arts and Sciences.

The Nature Connection

Rebecca Bushnell, School of Arts and Sciences Board of Advisors Emerita Professor of English, discusses the tangled threads to be found in writing about the natural world.

Advancing Innovative Research

Faculty across Penn Arts & Sciences were awarded grants and funding for innovative research projects.