Erica Moser

Erica Moser is a science writer in University Communications at Penn.

Lessons in Philosophy
As philosophers-in-residence at the Academy at Palumbo in South Philadelphia, Ph.D. students Jacqueline Wallis and Afton Greco are teaching high schoolers how to contemplate life’s big questions.
Violin as Subject and Muse
Fifth-year Ph.D. student Juliet Glazer is examining the aesthetics, sound, and valuation of instrument-making in the U.S. and Italy.
Colorful Language
Biology and psychology researchers reveal that the way colors have been described historically constrains how they might be described in the future.
AI-Guided Brain Stimulation, Memory, and Traumatic Brain Injury
A collaborative study shows that targeted electrical stimulation in the brains of epilepsy patients with TBI improved memory recall an average of 19 percent.