Be sure to visit our multimedia page for exclusive content that covers all aspects of Penn Arts & Sciences research, including faculty, students, alums, and events. Below is just a small sampling of recent highlights.
Omnia Podcast: We Haven't Passed the Climate Tipping Point...Yet (Audio)
Climate scientist Michael Mann discusses the unprecedented weather events of late and why there’s still time to act.
Data Driven Discovery (Video)
Inaugural co-directors Bhuvnesh Jain, Walter H. and Leonore C. Annenberg Professor in the Natural Sciences in the Department of Physics & Astronomy, and Greg Ridgeway, Professor and Chair of Criminology, talk about the new initiative.
Pathways: Sara Hansson, C’23, W’23 (Video)
Hansson intended to study earth science, but experiences at Penn allowed her instead to follow a passion for Medieval and Renaissance studies and pursue a law career.