Natural Science

For Future Grad Students, DivE In Offers Support

The three-day MindCORE initiative, now in its third year, aims to encourage people with diverse backgrounds to pursue advanced degrees in fields like neuroscience and psychology.

Follow Your Nose

In the lab of neuroscientist Jay Gottfried, sixth-year psychology Ph.D. student Clara Raithel tries to understand how people’s brains respond to odors.

60-Second Lectures | Fall 2023 Roundup (Video)

This fall’s 60-Second Lectures included a special Constitution Day edition and 1.5 Minute Climate Lectures during Climate Week at Penn.

A Solution for Cleaner Cars

Mining metals for electric car batteries can be wasteful and destructive. Andrew Ahn, C’26, ENG’26, spent the summer fine-tuning a chemical reaction that could make the process greener.

Omnia Podcast: We Haven't Passed the Climate Tipping Point...Yet (Audio)

Climate scientist Michael Mann talks with Omnia about this summer's unprecedented weather events and why there's still time to take action.

The First Week for First-Years (Photos)  

College students from the Class of 2027 moved in and got to know Penn Arts & Sciences through the Exploration Expo, where departments, majors, and programs were on display.

Searching for Resilience in our Reefs

Some corals survive hotter temperatures better than others. In the lab of biologist Katie Barott, sophomores Alex Piven and Angela Ye have spent the summer trying to understand why.

Glaciers in Greenland

Last Look Spring/Summer 2023

Online Content: Spring/Summer 2023

A small sampling of recent highlights.

Summer Reading: Michael Mann

Suggestions for your summer reading list from the Presidential Distinguished Professor of Earth and Environmental Science.

The Clues in the Chemistry

Childhood curiosity led Joseph S. Francisco, President’s Distinguished Professor of Earth and Environmental Science, to a career as one of the country’s most prominent atmospheric chemists.

A Detailed Map of Dark Matter, Revealed

Research led by the Atacama Cosmology Telescope collaboration maps the universe’s cosmic growth, confirming Einstein’s theory of general relativity.

Penn Arts & Sciences 2023 Graduation (Photos)

At three ceremonies, some 2,000 undergraduate and graduate students received their degrees in front of family and friends.

Three Questions: Working in a Pharmacy During the Pandemic

At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Shivani Nellore, C’23, W’23, took a job as a pharmacy tech, learning a great deal about medications and humans in the process.