Natural Science

From Connecting to Coaching

An array of opportunities for alums, faculty, and students to gather.

Sound Solutions

Researchers across Penn Arts & Sciences are turning to sound for new answers to questions on subjects from birdsong to the benefits of music exposure.

Colorful Language

Biology and psychology researchers reveal that the way colors have been described historically constrains how they might be described in the future.

On the Grid

Emily Schapira, C’02, WG’09, CEO of the Philadelphia Energy Authority, is fighting climate change and creating thousands of local jobs along the way.

Research Roundup: Stable Glass, Shape-Shifting Organisms, and More

The latest installment of this series highlights work from four faculty working in biology, chemistry, and economics.

60-Second Lectures: Living the Hard Promise (Video)

This spring, Penn Arts & Sciences’ long-running 60-Second Lectures and its new Living the Hard Promise series came together for a series of special lectures.

What the EPA Limits on “Forever Chemicals” Mean

In a Q&A, Brianne Callahan, C’02, CGS’04, of the Water Center explains the new regulations on PFAS, plus how they might affect consumer water bills, health, and more.

Pushing the Boundaries of Human Brain Imaging

A next-generation fMRI machine, the centerpiece of the new MindCORE Neuroimaging Facility, gives researchers across campus a novel tool to study the mind-brain connection.

Penn Arts & Sciences 2024 Graduation (Photos)

More than 2,200 students earned degrees from the College, the Graduate Division, and the College of Liberal & Professional Studies.

Gearing Up for Research on Aging

GEAR UP, an initiative offered by the Population Aging Research Center and the Leonard Davis Institute, gives students from underrepresented and disadvantaged backgrounds hands-on experience and mentoring to address a global challenge.

Playing with Language

By using linguistics models to analyze game play, Sydney Sun, C’24, is listening in on the ways environment shapes interaction.

Penn Arts & Sciences Pathways: David Kedeme, C'25 (Video)

Kedeme came to Penn curious about the brain and deepened his interest in neuroscience through lab internships and coursework.

Meet the VIPER Class of 2024 (VIDEO)

From honing research interests and building relationships to Penn Electric Racing and SpaceX, graduating seniors in the Vagelos Integrated Program in Energy Research (VIPER) reflect on their experience in the dual-degree program.

2024 Penn Grad Talks

Penn Grad Talks features TED Talk-style presentations by Penn Arts & Sciences graduate students on a wide range of topics.

At Ben Talks NYC, A Journey from Ocean Depths to Outer Space

In a room overlooking New York’s Bryant Park, more than 200 alums heard from scientists studying coral reefs, fractures on the Earth’s surface, and the expansion of the universe.