Natural Science

Jam Session

Physicist Andrea Liu discusses research into how systems of particles transition to jammed states.

Change and Survival

Graduate student Lucia Peixoto investigates the molecular machinery of single cell parasites.

That's What Friends are For?

Psychologists Peter DeScioli and Robert Kurzban propose a new theory of human friendship.

Night Light

Cosmologist Mark Devlin uses balloon-borne telescope to find the source of half the light in the universe.

Therapy v. Medication

Psychologist Robert DeRubeis searches for a better weapon in the battle against depression.

Re-examining a Snail's Pace

Biologist Peter Petraitis and team discover rapid increases in shell size in the Atlantic dogwhelk.

DNA Collector

Scientist Sarah Tishkoff pulls together a database of African populations—one DNA sample at a time.

The Science of Sleep

Biologist Ted Abel discovers a way to reverse cognitive impairment caused by sleep deprivation.

Moving in Circles: Path Cells Show the Way

Psychologist Michael Kahana identifies a type of brain cell that senses direction.

In Search of the Best Medicine for Depression

New research explores why different patients respond better to different treatments.

The Big Thaw

Geologist Doug Jerolmack and students track landscape degradation in Alaska.

Cognition Without Control

Neuroscientist Sharon Thompson-Schill shows that a little bit of frontal lobe goes a long way in learning.

Semper Zen

Cognitive neuroscientist Amishi Jha studies mindfulness training for military preparedness.

Math Mystery

Mathematicians Phillip Gressman and Robert Strain solve a 140-year old equation describing the motion of gas molecules.

The Learning Puzzle

Angela Lee Duckworth explores motivation and self-control's impact on education.