
Five Reasons Ghost Stories Will Never Die

Why are ghosts such a persistent presence in literature? Professor Liliane Weissberg, who teaches the course The Fantastic and the Uncanny in Literature, shares her thoughts.

Reflecting on Latinx Heritage Month

Penn Arts & Sciences faculty, staff, and graduate students discuss the importance of this time on campus and beyond.  

Business on the Big Screen

Cinema & Media Studies’ Kathleen DeMarco Van Cleve on the spate of recent movies about everything from sneakers to snack foods—and of course, the doll with the dream house.

60-Second Lectures | Fall 2023 Roundup (Video)

This fall’s 60-Second Lectures included a special Constitution Day edition and 1.5 Minute Climate Lectures during Climate Week at Penn.

Inequalities Deepen When Social Progress Tied to Private Interests

In his new book, Assistant Professor Brent Cebul explores the history of public-private partnerships to rethink how liberalism has served businesses over underprivileged people.

The First Week for First-Years (Photos)  

College students from the Class of 2027 moved in and got to know Penn Arts & Sciences through the Exploration Expo, where departments, majors, and programs were on display.

The Poetry Industrial Complex

Lecturer in Critical Writing Amy Paeth’s new book uses the history of the U.S. poet laureate as a window into how the arts, government, industry, and private donors interact and shape culture.

Words of Encouragement

The Global Learners Program, taught by LPS English Language Programs instructors, offered more than 300 people in Ukraine English skills useful on the job hunt—and provided some normalcy and hope in the process.

Writing for Wikipedia

Students in classes taught by Heather Sharkey, Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations professor, fill in gaps in the online encyclopedia, learning about their subjects and the nuts and bolts of research, writing, and copyright.

Conservation, Justice, and Gender

Through her Penn Undergraduate Research Mentoring summer internship, Mia McElhatton, C’26, explored how efforts to save the planet may disproportionately burden women.

Silver Screen Time

Faryn Pearl, C’14, discusses co-directing the DreamWorks Animation film Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken, and how internships she obtained through Penn Arts & Sciences shaped her career path.

Discovering Her Dreams

The College of Liberal & Professional Studies and a Bread Upon the Waters scholarship jump-started Dean’s Scholar Gabrielle Solair’s goal of helping others.

One Year Post-Dobbs, What’s Actually Happened?

Four takeaways from Penn Arts & Sciences researchers in the aftermath of the 2022 Supreme Court decision overturning the constitutional right to an abortion.

Words, Film, and Your Brain

Julia Ongchoco, C’23, is studying the difference a word can make—and making films to share her excitement about cognitive sciences.

Hidden Histories Revealed

Students in a course last semester taught by Professor of English Heather Love and Senior Lecturer in Creative Writing Brooke O’Harra bring queer archival materials to life.