
Behind the Scenes at The Tonight Show

Crystal Marshall, C’24, just started a master’s degree in film programming and curating at the University of London, as a Thouron Scholar. Before leaving for the UK, she spent the summer as a general production intern on Jimmy Fallon’s show.

A Sounding Board for First- and Second-Years

The College’s pre-major advising program has been around since the 1990s. The 130 or so faculty and staff who participate act as a support system and academic guide for undergrads learning to navigate the experiences and spaces of Penn.

Living the Olympic Dream

The Paris Games will mark the second for Regina Salmons, C’18, who will represent the U.S. in women’s eight boat. She reflects on her experience and what it means to push yourself “to the absolute limits of human ability.”

Kicking Off Summer With a Casual PWA Networking Event

The Professional Women’s Alliance Summer Networking Social is an annual way for students and alums to connect. Seventy women gathered at the Wilson Rose Garden in New York for the 2024 edition.

Shaping the Future of Healthcare (Video)

Twenty seniors in the Roy and Diana Vagelos Program in Life Sciences & Management spent a year analyzing four novel medical advances from scientific and business perspectives. As part of their capstone presentations, the students shared their business plans.

Using Literature to Unlock Stories of the Unseen

In the hands of Matty Hemming, GR’24, early 20th-century novels become roadmaps to the politics and norms of their authors’ time.

Just Right

The certificate programs offered by the College of Liberal & Professional Studies fill an educational need for students who want to learn about an area but don’t need a full degree.

From English Major to Doctor, Lawyer, VP

At a panel put on by the Department of English, three alums discussed their career trajectories and how study in the humanities led them there.

Catalysts for Basic Science

P. Roy Vagelos, C’50, PAR’90, HON’99, has been connected to Penn for 75 years, starting as an undergrad. He and his wife, Diana T. Vagelos, PAR’90, recently gave Penn Arts & Sciences $83.9 million to fund science initiatives—the largest single gift ever made to the School.

Guardians of the Gallery

Alums now at Christie’s, Sotheby’s, and Doyle auction houses discuss championing underrepresented artists, enriching an object’s narrative, their time at Penn, and more.

From Connecting to Coaching

An array of opportunities for alums, faculty, and students to gather.

Penn Arts & Sciences at Work: Sharon Kim, C’05

Penn Arts & Sciences at Work is a photoblog series that highlights College alums in their workplaces as they reflect on how and why their careers took shape.

A College of Their Own

The first class of 11 students graduated from the College of Liberal Arts for Women in 1934. A look back at what life was like for these pioneers and the hundreds who followed.

On the Grid

Emily Schapira, C’02, WG’09, CEO of the Philadelphia Energy Authority, is fighting climate change and creating thousands of local jobs along the way.

Penn Arts & Sciences 2024 Graduation (Photos)

More than 2,200 students earned degrees from the College, the Graduate Division, and the College of Liberal & Professional Studies.