Partners & Progress Fall/Winter 2020

Fall/Winter 2020
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This Partners & Progress section of OMNIA is dedicated to highlighting Penn Arts & Sciences’ vibrant and generous community of alumni, parents, and friends.

(Clockwise from top left) Trang Do, C’06; Jennifer Cleveland Nichols, C’07, GSE’10; Mana Nakagawa, C’07; Glenn Singleton, C’86

PWA Elevate  Yourself Leadership Series

The Professional Women’s Alliance (PWA) launched its leadership series with a virtual panel on Disrupting Implicit Bias and Promoting Inclusion. An audience of 161 tuned in for a discussion of the effects of implicit bias on an organization’s ability to pursue and promote a diverse and inclusive community and how biases impact perceptions. Trang Do, C’06, moderated and panelists were diversity and inclusion experts Jennifer Cleveland Nichols, C’07, GSE’10; Mana Nakagawa, C’07; and Glenn Singleton, C’86.

For more information, visit the Professional Women's Alliance.

Photo by Eric Sucar, University Communications

Become a Mentor With Ben Connect

This fall, Ben Connect matched alumni and students for a semester-long formal mentorship program. Mentors provide insight based on personal experience in career and academic pursuits, and students ask questions about career development, goals-setting, and career-related decision making. If you are interested in being a mentor for the spring cohort, contact Kathe Archibald at

Ben Connect is a platform where College alumni and students can share their stories and form long- or short-term virtual mentorships.

Learn more at

Penn Arts & Sciences at Work

Penn Arts & Sciences at Work is a photoblog series that highlights College alumni in their workplaces and encourages reflection on how and why their careers took shape.

To see more, visit Penn Arts & Sciences at Work. 

Photo by Brooke Sietinsons

“Ministry means getting into the mud with people, and inevitably, some of that mud gets on you. So, I think of ongoing self-care—therapy, exercising, being with my kids, and reading my comic books.”

-Charles “Chaz” Howard, C’00
Chaplain and Vice President for Social Equity & Community, University of Pennsylvania
Urban Studies Major,  Afro-American Studies Minor
Philadelphia, PA


Courtesy of Anil Chitrapu

“I wish when I started at Penn I had someone tell me, ‘You will get through this and you will achieve incredible things because you’re around some of the brightest minds.’”

-Anil Chitrapu, C’16
Senior Manager of Podcast Growth, Condé Nast
Biology Major
New York, NY