2014 Alumni Weekend 60-Second Slam (VIDEO)

Faculty, students, and alumni provide quick expert takes on topics ranging from urban development in ancient Rome to movie franchise reboots.

This year marked the fourth edition of the School’s Alumni Weekend 60-Second Slam. The event—an extension of our 60-Second Lecture Series—pits our most insightful faculty, students, and alumni against one another in their mission to provide a quick expert take on topics ranging from urban development in ancient Rome to movie franchise reboots. You can visit the SAS website to gain access to nearly 100 other lectures, or join us on Locust Walk each spring and fall to experience them firsthand.

This year’s victor was Professor of English and Cinema Studies Peter Decherney. He is an expert on copyright law and the author of the recent Hollywood’s Copyright Wars: From Edison to the Internet and Hollywood and the Culture Elite: How the Movies Became American. In 2011, he filed a brief in the Supreme Court in the case of Golan v. Holder, a landmark examination of public domain.

You can view Decherney’s winning lecture below:






View the Slam in its entirety:









By Blake Cole