Social Science

Profile of a Crime

John MacDonald sheds light on the Trayvon Martin case and the impact it's making on the public.

Freedom to Fight

Political science professor examines why emerging democracies go to war.

Continental Divide

Sociologist Jerry Jacobs shows how time itself is dividing working Americans in new ways.

Formula for Happiness

A sociologist and an economist weigh the roles of partners and children in the happy life.

An Uncertain Revolution

Sociologist Jason Schnittker's new study shows that the rise of a genetic model of mental illness has not increased tolerance.

The Dynamics of Violence

Sociologist Randall Collins argues that violent confrontations go against human hardwiring.

Tracing the First Americans

Anthropologist Theodore Schurr studies the connection between Native Americans and the Altai population.

Optimism and Paranoia

PIK Professor John Jackson talks about the new reality of race in America.

Starting Out Behind

Sociologist Frank Furstenberg’s new book explores why the topic of teen pregnancy has become so politically powerful — and so misunderstood.

The Spirit of Collegiality

Sociologist Melissa Wilde offers a new explanation for the revolutionary transformation of the Roman Catholic Church.

Heredity and Hope

Ruth Schwartz Cowan’s new book explores the case for genetic screening.

Sex, Lies and Urban Fantasy

David Grazian takes readers on a “sociological tour” of Philadelphia’s nightlife.

Election Q&A with Don Kettl

Political scientist Don Kettl answers questions about the candidates' experience and the challenges they face.