Sharon Wu
From English Major to Doctor, Lawyer, VP
At a panel put on by the Department of English, three alums discussed their career trajectories and how study in the humanities led them there.
Penn Arts & Sciences Pathways: David Kedeme, C’25 (Video)
Kedeme came to Penn curious about the brain and deepened his interest in neuroscience through lab internships and coursework.
Holiday Cheer from Penn Flutes
As part of the Music in the Stacks collaboration between Penn’s Albrecht Music Library and the Department of Music, the musicians performed a concert that included “Silent Night” and other holiday songs.
Winter Break 2023: Holiday Travel, Traditions, and New Year's Resolutions (Photos)
Students share their plans and wishes for winter break.
Penn Arts & Sciences Pathways: Anusha Mathur, C’25 (Video)
Mathur came to Penn with an interest in history and political science, and through her experiences in the College and Annenberg, discovered her passion for journalism and podcasting.