Alex Schein

Alex Schein is the Director of Digital Communications for the School of Arts & Sciences Office of Advancement at the University of Pennsylvania. 

Omnia Podcast: Deep Listening and The Sound of Philadelphia (Audio)
In a graduate seminar taught by Professor of Music Carol Muller, students re-examined ethnographic research methods and worked on field projects aimed at documenting Philadelphia’s Black music history.
Shaping the Future of Healthcare (Video)
Twenty seniors in the Roy and Diana Vagelos Program in Life Sciences & Management spent a year analyzing four novel medical advances from scientific and business perspectives. As part of their capstone presentations, the students shared their business plans.
Addressing Tough Topics
The Living the Hard Promise dialogue series offers a chance for frank conversation about subjects from free speech on campuses to the role of universities.
Korean-American Musicians Reflect on their Musical Journeys
The event was hosted by the James Joo-Jin Kim Center for Korean Studies in conjunction with the Philadelphia Orchestra, part of the center’s growing focus on community engagement.
Penn Undergrads and Decision 2024 (Video)
From helping with exit polling to vote count data collection, students in the PORES program bring their skills to the NBC Decision Desk on election nights.
Meet the VIPER Class of 2024 (VIDEO)
From honing research interests and building relationships to Penn Electric Racing and SpaceX, graduating seniors in the Vagelos Integrated Program in Energy Research (VIPER) reflect on their experience in the dual-degree program.
Origin Stories: Daniel Mindiola (Video)
The Brush Family Professor of Chemistry on being raised in a bilingual home, his journey from Venezuela to Michigan to MIT, and the importance of mentors.
Emily Wilson’s Epic Life
The Classical Studies professor on the power and responsibility of translation, the allure of ancient worlds, and the value of the strange.
The Items Left Behind
In an undergraduate anthropology course, students learn archaeological fieldwork skills and unearth the story of a historic Black neighborhood in West Philadelphia.
Omnia Podcast: We Haven't Passed the Climate Tipping Point...Yet (Audio)
Climate scientist Michael Mann talks with Omnia about this summer's unprecedented weather events and why there's still time to take action.
Penn Arts & Sciences Pathways: Sara Hansson, C'23, W'23 (Video)
Hansson intended to study earth science, but experiences at Penn allowed her instead to follow a passion for Medieval and Renaissance studies and pursue a law career.
Topping off the new home for energy science at Penn (VIDEO)
On February 3, 2023, P. Roy Vagelos, President Magill, and the Penn community celebrated the installation of the final beam of the Vagelos Laboratory for Energy Science and Technology.