Alex Schein

Alex Schein is the Director of Digital Communications for the School of Arts & Sciences Office of Advancement at the University of Pennsylvania. 

A Summer Studying the Mind and Brain (Video)
MindCORE's intensive summer fellowship program lets Penn undergrads work with researchers.
A Medieval Minute (Video)
For their 60-second lecture, Emily Steiner, Professor of English, and doctoral student Aylin Malcolm, put a dramatic twist on medieval English and the 2018 midterm elections.
Origin Stories: Anthropologist Deborah Thomas (Video)
Deborah A. Thomas, R. Jean Brownlee Professor of Anthropology, discusses her journey from professional dancer to academic, embracing her many roles as an author, activist, educator, and artist.
On the Water in Philadelphia (Video)
A summer research seminar by the Penn Program in Environmental Humanities (PPEH) allowed students to conduct research on Philadelphia's waterways and collaborate with community partners.
Leading from Within (Video)
Madison Dawkins, C'19, created an independent study focused on health and mindfulness with the women at the Riverside Correctional Facility.
Challenging the Biological Concept of Race (VIDEO)
The Program on Race, Science, and Society hosted an international symposium that brought together scholars to discuss how the categorizing of racial difference has significant implications for individuals across the globe.
Scoring an Unfinished Work (Video)
For his English honors thesis, Nicholas Escobar, C'18, combined his love of literature and music.
Omnia Podcast: UFOs and the Creation of Knowledge (Audio)
Kate Dorsch, Ph.D. candidate in History and Sociology of Science, discusses her research on UFO sightings in Cold War America and how scientific knowledge is created and communicated to the public.
A Source of Inspiration (Video)
Sebastian Gonzalez, C’20, is a campus leader for first-generation students, a physics and astronomy major, and the principal tubist for the Penn Symphony Orchestra.
Origin Stories: Karen Redrobe (Video)
Karen Redrobe, Elliot and Roslyn Jaffe Endowed Professor in Film Studies, discusses her journey as a film scholar.
Omnia Podcast: Poetry and the Pulse of Life (Audio)
Taije Silverman, a lecturer in the Department of English, has had poems featured in the Best American Poetry collections for the last two years.
Tweeting the Medieval
Emily Steiner, Professor of English, uses new technology to illuminate age-old manuscripts.