Unearthing New Ideas

Young scholars explore cutting-edge research topics at this year's Undergraduate Research Fair.

Undergraduates in the School of Arts and Sciences reinforce the idea that students at any level can tackle complex issues with a fresh perspective. Each year, young scholars are given the opportunity to participate in the annual Undergraduate Research Fair where they spotlight the topics they are most passionate about.

“Research is something I want to pursue in the future because of the year I’ve had in this experience. This is something I love to do.”
– Michael Morse, C’13

Political Science major Michael Morse, C’13, investigates varying state regulations for convicted felons and their right to vote in political elections; History major Ellen Frierson, C’14, studies the factors that influence the polarization of North and South Sudan; and Urban Studies major Jacob Nussbaum, C’12, explores the ability of medium-sized cities to thrive despite their size.

Michael Morse, C’13 

Ellen Frierson, C’14 

Jacob Nussbaum, C’12 

By Brea Stover and Rachel Witte