Ramanan Raghavendran Named Chair of Board of Advisors

Michael Price steps down following successful conclusion to Power of Penn Arts and Sciences Campaign.

Fall/Winter 2022

Ramanan Raghavendran, Chair of the School of Arts and Sciences Board of Advisors

Courtesy of Ramanan Raghavendran


Ramanan Raghavendran, ENG’89, W’89, LPS’15, was appointed the new chair of the School of Arts and Sciences Board of Advisors, effective July 1, 2022. Raghavendran succeeded Michael Price, W’79, who stepped down from the Board after more than 20 years of service.

Raghavendran has been a member of the Board of Advisors for a decade and is also a University Trustee. He is a member of the Advisory Board for the Center for the Advanced Study of India and chair of the University of Pennsylvania Institute for the Advanced Study of India. He is the Global Coordinator of the Penn Alumni Interview Program and a member of the Orrery Society, and has long been a champion of financial aid.

“Ramanan truly walks the walk when it comes to his commitment to the liberal arts, and even earned a Master of Liberal Arts degree from our division of Liberal and Professional Studies while a member of our Board,” says Steven J. Fluharty, Dean and Thomas S. Gates, Jr. Professor of Psychology, Pharmacology, and Neuroscience. “He has always been extremely thoughtful and imaginative in his engagement with the School, and I am looking forward to his continued counsel and involvement as our Board’s new chair.”

Raghavendran is the co-founder of Amasia, a venture capital firm that invests in companies that help fight the climate crisis and enhance sustainability through behavior change. He is also active on the boards of several charities and NGOs.