Michael C. Horowitz Awarded Grant to Study Autonomous Systems and AI

Fall/Winter 2018
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Michael C. Horowitz, Professor of Political Science

Photo credit: Kyle Kielinski

Michael C. Horowitz, Professor of Political Science, will lead a research team that has been awarded a $1.04 million grant from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, through the Department of Defense (DoD) Minerva Initiative. The Minerva program is designed to facilitate social science research relevant for national security.

Horowitz is the primary investigator for “The Disruptive Effects of Autonomy: Ethics, Trust, and Organizational Decision-Making.” The project studies the effects of autonomous systems and artificial intelligence and involves collaboration with researchers from the University of Denver, the Naval War College, and Yale University.

“Potentially rapid advances in autonomous systems raise fascinating questions about how technology affects human behavior inside and outside the military domain,” says Horowitz, who has provided expert commentary on military technology to Congress and is the author of the award-winning book, The Diffusion of Military Power: Causes and Consequences for International Politics. “Answering these questions requires going beyond technological simulations and instead examining how behavioral factors—like trust, emotions, and organizational incentives—might shape the use and effectiveness of autonomous systems.”

In addition, the team will work to advance knowledge about the potential consequences of autonomous systems for DoD policy and the modern battlefield, as well as shed light on how other actors—both state and non-state—will incorporate autonomous systems.

“I am excited about the opportunity to apply social science research to this technological space,” says Horowitz. “It will help to build a broader understanding of the potentially disruptive behavioral and organizational effects of autonomy.”