2021 Dean’s Scholars

The 2021 Dean’s Scholars were celebrated in a virtual ceremony in April, which included the students and their families, the deans, and faculty and staff.

Spring/Summer 2021

Each year, Penn Arts & Sciences honors 20 Dean’s Scholars—students from the College of Arts & Sciences, the College of Liberal & Professional Studies, and the Graduate Division selected for their exceptional academic performance and their sense of intellectual adventure. The scholars are nominated by their major or program and selected by the deans of the School.

The 2021 Dean’s Scholars were celebrated in a virtual ceremony in April, which included the students and their families, the deans, and faculty and staff. “We are sorry that the pandemic prevents us from gathering in person to celebrate these incredible young scholars,” said Steven J. Fluharty, Dean of Penn Arts & Sciences and Thomas S. Gates, Jr. Professor of Psychology, Pharmacology, and Neuroscience. But, he added, “our pride and excitement over what our honorees have accomplished is in no way diminished by our physical distance from one another.”


College of Arts & Sciences

Zoe Belardo (Anthropology)

Jean Chapiro (Communication, Cinema & Media Studies, Visual Studies)

Annah Chollet (Gender & Women’s Studies, Neuroscience)

Carson Eckhard (English, History)

Regina Fairbanks (Biology)

Adam Konkol (Biochemistry, Biophysics, Mathematics, and Physics)

Danielle Miles-Langaigne (Political Science)

Varun Sudunagunta (Neuroscience)

Abigail Timmel (Physics)


College of Liberal & Professional Studies – Undergraduate Program

Emily Davis (Biology)


Professional Master’s Programs

Haley Zeliff (Master of Environmental Studies)


Graduate Division – Doctoral Programs

Ajay Kumar Batra (English)

Thomas Brazelton (Mathematics)

Elizabeth Bynum (Anthropology, Music)

Nicholas Foretek (History)

Briana Last (Psychology)

William Neuhaus (Chemistry)

Ian Peebles (Philosophy)

Rebecca Schut (Demography and Sociology)

Tyler Shine (History of Art)