Ava DiFabritiis

Ava DiFabritiis, C’13, associate director of stewardship for Penn Arts & Sciences, is a frequent contributor to Omnia.

Catalysts for Basic Science
P. Roy Vagelos, C’50, PAR’90, HON’99, has been connected to Penn for 75 years, starting as an undergrad. He and his wife, Diana T. Vagelos, PAR’90, recently gave Penn Arts & Sciences $83.9 million to fund science initiatives—the largest single gift ever made to the School.
On the Grid
Emily Schapira, C’02, WG’09, CEO of the Philadelphia Energy Authority, is fighting climate change and creating thousands of local jobs along the way.
From the Clubhouse to the Tonys
Commercial theater producer Tim Bloom, C’17, reflects on the art of making people laugh and the chance opportunities that shaped his path from Penn’s premier musical comedy troupe to Broadway.
Marketing for Good
Bill Novelli, C’63, ASC’64, PAR’90, went from selling soap and cereal to ideas and causes.